Pebrero 19, 2012

Just Got Married

Motivational speaker Nick Vujicic got married with Kanae Miyahara on February 10th in California. 

Nick was born without limbs and he has overcome hardships. He made the most out of his life and never give up. Despite of his disabilities it didn't hinder him from doing something for others and being someone for others. Nick was able to have speeches from over three million people in 25 countries. Through this and his life he was able to inspire and touch numerous lives which allowed the audience to know that God created everyone with a beautiful purpose.It is a dream come true for him to be married with his wife who God has prepared for him. 

"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength."

My Real Emotions:

No matter what you have and you don't have always remember that God made us equally and uniquely. He created us because we have our own individual purpose in life. 

Live your life to the fullest.
Live positively. 
Live for others. 
Live for God.

Find time to check out Nick Vujicic's website: LIFE WITHOUT LIMBS FROM NO LIMBS TO NO LIMITS

Source: Limbless Nick Vujicic's Marriage - A Valentine's Day Gift to the World

Love knows no Batteries

A Toy Love Story That Will Make You Cry (HD)

What happens when an old robot falls in love with a beautiful doll?

My Real Emotions:

Human beings "Love knows no boundaries." 
Toys "Love knows no batteries."

Love is a wonderful feeling but then getting into a relationship is not just about being happy. When you love you have to take risk. You gotta be ready to get hurt, to be blind, to be deaf, to be mute, to be numb, and to sacrifice. 

"Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love, is by far, the truest type of love."